Imagination is a very powerful thing!
The mind can make or break whole worlds, travel from one end of the known universe to the other within the span of a heartbeat and turn queens to slave girls or the reverse. It’s also why the pen is mightier than the sword. With the pen, words can paint pictures of futures that hold heavens with endless desire, pleasure and enjoyment or create the imagery of hells with torture, pain and suffering.
Between desire and fear and between pleasure and pain there lies a narrow realm of possibilities where I like to let my imagination roam. If you care to you may join me on my journeys...

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Three to Ride (Nights in Bliss, Colorado, #1)Three to Ride by Sophie Oak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A beautifully well crafted story that I would recommend to anyone that doesn't have a problem with a menage story.
What makes this a great story is Sophie Oak's ability to create funny and lovable characters and she doesn't stop with the three main characters, but creates a whole community of quirky characters to breath life into the small town of Bliss. With nudists, a paranoid alien-abductee and a hen-mother ruling the local café the Harper brother's preference for sharing a woman doesn't seem that strange.
I also love Ms Oak's female characters that have solid core of strength and doesn't fall all over themselves when in proximity of their romantic interest.
The character of Rachel has a natural development for a scared mousy woman on the run from her stalker to a confident woman knowing that she has attracted the attention of not one but two hunky males, which she's ready to pursue.
The side story with the stalker is a necessary complement to the love story, but also both unoriginal as well as predictable.

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